TalkMotorsport is about Kiwi motorsport news, opinion, perspective and comment, primarily reflecting the views of its contributors (opinion and perspective) combined with feedback from you the reader (comment).

Benjamin Carrell started the website back in 2007 as, eventually changing the brand to several years later. was started in June 2018 alongside as an avenue for opinion, perspective and comment on Kiwi motorsport.

Late in 2019 we merged the two websites into the Talkmotorsport brand.

News – We are about New Zealanders in motorsport around the world, and motorsport within New Zealand

Opinion – this is a view formed about something and contributed to the website. It is not necessarily based on fact or knowledge but is a viewpoint gained from experience and expressed by the contributor.

Perspective – this is where the contributor gives their ‘take’ or viewpoint on a particular subject. An opinion and give you a perspective view on a particular topic.

Comment – This is the response to what has been written and gives the reader the opportunity to contribute to the discussion whether you agree or disagree.

Fact – A fact is something that is known to be true, to exist or to have happened. i.e. Sebastien Vettel won the 2018 Australian Formula One Grand Prix.

While an opinion would be expressed such as: ‘Vettel’s win had little substance given the miss-calculation of the Mercedes F1 Team.’

A contributors perspective may be that ‘Mercedes F1 cannot afford any more mistakes as Ferrari have shown that they will take any opportunity afforded to them.’