Paddon and Kennard perfectly positioned to take fourth at WRC Poland

TalkMotorsport Long Read Length LONG READ

Hayden Paddon and John Kennard have secured fourth place in Rally Poland, the second consecutive top four finish for the…

Paddon Update: It’s as good as a podium

TalkMotorsport Medium Read Length MEDIUM READ

Hayden Paddon writes after finishing fourth at WRC Rally Poland….   We have had another good rally here in Poland,…

Haryanto flies to sprint victory

TalkMotorsport Medium Read Length MEDIUM READ

Rio Haryanto crushed the competition in this morning’s sprint race in Silverstone: leading from lights to flag the Indonesian was…

Rally ace tops Elite Motorsport Academy

TalkMotorsport Medium Read Length MEDIUM READ

Asia Pacific rally star Michael Young (Opotiki) has taken the top spot in the 2015 Elite Motorsport Academy, after a…