Offroad Champs goes to the wire

New Zealand’s fastest offroad racers scored a clean sweep of heats in the first day of racing at the final round of the national championship, meaning the championship will be decided today among a half dozen leading contenders.

Multiple New Zealand champion Tony McCall won all his heats and won the ‘A-main’ feature outright, scoring a perfect 72 points.

Also on 72 is Gregg Carrington-Hogg in the “Herbinator’, his class nine two seater Chev V8 race car.

Devlin Hill of Auckland has likewise taken a clean sweep in class 3 and won his class in the feature race.

Scott Buckley – another Auckland driver – took top points in class 10 for motorcycle-engined race cars in his BSL.

Warren Adams won class six with a clean sweep, and Wellington driver Glenn Turvey also took maximum points in class four.

One competitor who is no longer in contention, though, is Jono Climo of north Auckland. He won the first heat for the unlimited trucks in his hand-built Toyota Hilux V8 turbo. But as the second heat got up to speed he barrel-rolled the truck, destroying the front end and badly damaging the rear subframe.

Also missing points was defending New Zealand champion Owen Chang, who did not score in his third class 8 heat or feature race. The GT Radial Ford Falcon struck transmission problems in the first heat, losing first gear. Then in the second heat – still running without first gear – the team had a flat rear tyre, spotted while in parc ferme after the Climo crash. They ran the whole heat on the flat tyre, destroying it in the process, then blew the clutch in the third heat.

The final round of the 2015 ENZED offroad racing championship will be decided in today 200 km endurance race starting at 11 am at 1960 Matapiro Road.

Mark Baker has been working in automotive PR and communications for more than two decades. For much longer than that he has been a motorsport journalist, photographer and competitor, witness to most of the most exciting and significant motorsport trends and events of the mid-late 20th Century. His earliest memories of motorsport were trips to races at Ohakea in the early 1960s, and later of annual summer pilgrimages to watch Shellsport racers and Mini 7s at Bay Park and winter sorties into forests around Kawerau and Rotorua to see the likes of Russell Brookes, Ari Vatanen and Mike Marshall ply their trade in group 4 Escorts. Together with Murray Taylor and TV producer/director Dave Hedge he has been responsible for helping to build New Zealand’s unique Toyota Racing Series into a globally recognized event brand under category managers Barrie and Louise Thomlinson. Now working for a variety of automotive and mainstream commercial clients, Mark has a unique perspective on recent motor racing history and the future career paths of our best and brightest young racers.

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